Tuesday, April 5, 2011

mending a broken heart...

The end of a relationship can be enough to knock someone down but when you mourn the loss of a dear pet at the same time...well it can seem like a bit too much.
I felt lost during that first week, not sure where to turn and who to turn to. Friends offered sympathy and advice yet it didn't seem to offer the comfort i so desperately craved. I can honestly say i have never ever felt that low.

I am relieved to say that its been a few weeks and although the heartache is still there i feel a lot braver, much stronger and ready to tackle what comes my way. There are no fool proof ways to get better...just time and the right kind of support.

I don't know why things happened the way they did and i probably won't understand for a very long time. All I know is that life is out there waiting for me-it wouldn't be right for me to wallow and feel sorry for myself when in reality i am truly very blessed. sure I've had my hurdles but I survived and that makes me believe that I will get through this.